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Mr Control V brake rollers – To use V brakes with cantilever levers

V brake to cantilever converter pulleys from Mr Control

Mr Control pulleys to allow use of V brakes with cantilever or caliper brake levers

These nifty brake rollers replace the noodle on V brakes to enable you to use V brakes with a standard cantilever brake lever. As V brakes require more cable pull than cantilevers the cam converts the small amount of pull at the lever into more cable movement at the brake, meaning you can get the best from the V brakes. These are ideal for drop bar set ups with V brakes as most brake levers (including STIs and Ergo levers) do not have enough pull to work with a V brake. Using these will allow the use of V brakes on a Cross, Touring or drop bar MTB or even allowing you to change the brakes on your vintage MTB without changing the expensive all in one brake/shifter combos.

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